Detecting Malicious Activity In Large Enterprises

Detecting Malicious Activity In Large Enterprises

Published by: Research Desk Released: Oct 18, 2021

A SANS Sponsored White Paper: Ensuring information security and the cyber defence of an organization can often feel like an uphill battle with no end in sight. Each week, new data breaches potentially put your users and customers at risk. Meanwhile, the ever-looming threat that any attack could turn into a ransomware outbreak keeps analysts up at night. Then, in early-to-mid 2020, COVID-19 struck and forced global businesses to change their day-to-day operations plans. An unprecedented number of users were forced to work outside of the office, and thus outside of trusted corporate networks.


In this paper, our mission is to explore advanced threat detections at enterprise scale. We focus on techniques to scale organizational growth as well as the explosion in data available to security analysts today.