Aberdeen Report: The Return on Managing Customer Convenience in Modern Service Programs

Aberdeen Report: The Return on Managing Customer Convenience in Modern Service Programs

Published by: Research Desk Released: Apr 21, 2020

How effortless customer service enables business benefits.

Customer service leaders can no longer rely on efficiency alone for success. In this eye-opening report, Aberdeen concludes that delivering an effortless service experience is the new differentiator—producing up to a 4.1X greater annual increase in retention rates.

Download this report for expert recommendations in helping achieve higher employee satisfaction, lowering customer effort, and offering better customer service. You’ll find insights that helped companies like yours:

  • Decrease service costs by 13% YOY while increasing up-sell opportunities
  • Boost customer satisfaction while increasing retention rates
  • Cut nearly $1.4M in service costs annually by minimizing customer effort

Source: The Return on Managing Customer Convenience in Modern Service Programs, Omer Minkara, Aberdeen, 2020