CB Tech X: Powering the Next Level of Growth with Observability

CB Tech X: Powering the Next Level of Growth with Observability

Published by: Research Desk Released: Jun 14, 2023

If you had to describe one of the biggest changes impacting SCBX and its subsidiaries what would it be? Here’s a clue: it starts and ends with the letter D. Did you guess digitized? Or disrupted? Either way, you wouldn’t be wrong.

But there’s another word that also accurately describes a phenomenon we’re seeing today. It’s distributed. More than ever, we’re witnessing distributed computing environments spread across hybrid, edge, and multicloud estates. Distributed workforces Incredibly distributed endpoints. Then there are more distributed and decentralized technologies (read: blockchain) introducing innovations such as central bank digital currency that could disintermediate financial services. Finally, we have monolith applications exploding into thousands of microservices, creating distributed application architectures.