State of DevOps Report

State of DevOps Report

Published by: Research Desk Released: Feb 20, 2019

What sets top-performing DevOps teams apart?

Strong DevOps drives successful software delivery. Learn more in this new report.

According to the new Accelerate: State of DevOps 2018: Strategies for a New Economy report, elite DevOps performers have more frequent code deployments, faster lead times, lower change failure rates, and far quicker incident recovery times. And that’s just the beginning.

In DORA’s Accelerate: State of DevOps 2018: Strategies for a New Economy, sponsored by Google Cloud, you’ll learn:

  • What distinguishes elite from low-performing DevOps teams.
  • Key metrics businesses are using to measure DevOps performance.
  • How cloud computing affects DevOps success.
  • The role of open source software on performance.

Download the report now to find out what nearly 1,900 professionals said about the role of DevOps in their business, what sets top-performing DevOps teams apart, and how this gives them a competitive edge.