The State of Frontline Employee Training 2020

The State of Frontline Employee Training 2020

Published by: Research Desk Released: May 17, 2021

At no other time has the importance of frontline employees been more clear than during the COVID-19
pandemic. Never have we been more reliant on them, or more grateful for them— whether they’ve delivered
essential goods to our doors and stores, stocked our shelves with groceries, or been at the end of the line listening to our fears, frustrations and frantic queries as we try to navigate the ‘new normal.’

Frontline employees have been widely recognized as the heroes who help keep the world turning while the crisis plays out—and rightly so. While we applaud this, we can’t help but feel it’s a shame it took a global pandemic for their work to be recognized. The frontline has always been there taking care of us and has always been integral to the success of businesses around the world.

The resulting report provides invaluable insight to help organizations such as yours do right by your people and the communities you serve. The findings show that businesses need to do more to equip their frontline to navigate the storm of business disruption. We hope this report helps to illuminate a path forward.