Becoming an Intelligent Hospital: From Smart Building Technologies to Connected Medical Devices

Becoming an Intelligent Hospital: From Smart Building Technologies to Connected Medical Devices

Extreme Networks
Published by: Research Desk Released: Sep 19, 2019

IoT is nothing new in healthcare, and it has created a growing sea of connected devices, both medical and end user, that are revolutionizing how care is being delivered. Meanwhile, the wireless network continues to advance in software-driven capabilities including insight, analytics, and automation, all melding together to form an open, comprehensiveecosystem. Crucial to enabling a digital  transformation is having a clinicalgrade infrastructure to properly support the innovative medical devices and smart building technologies being used. The ultimate goal: becoming an intelligent hospital by harnessing the power of advanced wireless network infrastructure, as well as interconnected assets, to create new, better clinical processes, management systems, and deliver better patient outcomes.