The Essential Guide to Monitoring Containers and Microservices

The Essential Guide to Monitoring Containers and Microservices

Published by: Research Desk Released: May 06, 2019

Traditional software development—one monolithic code base containing all the application’s functionality—has been replaced with a modular approach. This “cloudnative” development breaks up applications into smaller chunks—microservices—to drive agility. These microservices are then frequently deployed within containers since they’re more resource efficient and can be scaled individually.

But there is trouble in paradise. The IT operations job just got a whole lot trickier since containers and microservices environments are hyper-distributed, transient, and multistack, which makes monitoring and troubleshooting infinitely more complex.

As this eBook will demonstrate, a new approach to monitoring is required that factors in the way microservices and containers are created and delivered. To understand why, let’s start by taking a deeper dive into microservices and their BFFs: containers and orchestration.